Thursday, April 2, 2009


So I really can't think of anything to talk about today except.........FAVORITES!

Favorite TV Shows EVER:

1: Avatar: The Last Airbender- Most TV shows drag stuff out, and plot's go on for to long, and they have these little things called "filler" episodes that are just there to keep things moving, but offer no real substance. Avatar has none of those. At about 60 episodes long, over three seasons, Avatar has a story, it sticks to the story in every episode, and it is amazing to boot. CHECK IT OUT!

2: Survivor- AKA why I am doing this post. Survivor is the BEST reality show ever! New episode is on in 10 minutes. Can't wait.

3: House- Basically House is my Hero!

Favorite Movies EVER!:

1: Tombstone: AKA The Most Badass, quotable movie of all time.

2: ID4

3: LOTR (All Three)- Lets face it, all three movies are just one big long movie.

Favorite Books EVER!:

1: The Rainmaker (John Grisham): First book to ever give me real anger, and real tears.

2: Paper Towns( John Green)

3: Harry Potter Book 7

Favorite Foods:

1: Anything Italian

2: Mac and Cheese

3: Ice Cream

Favorite Songs:

1: Anything from a Musical

2: Anything Linkin Park

3: Video Game/ Movie Instrumental Music

Favorite Number:


Favorite Color:


Favorite Soft Drink:

Mountain Dew: Voltage

Favorite Person:

John Green

Favorite Thing to do on a Friday Night:



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