Saturday, April 4, 2009


I wish I could have something to talk about, or well, I wish I was calm enough to write a blog tonight, but honestly I am just not in the mood. It seems like I just constantly align myself with people who are prejudiced or stupid, and I am sick of it. I need to get out of this life, and find some privacy for a while. I need to escape the stupid.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Role Models

Alright, so I am doing my blog on this topic today for several reasons. 1: I don't particularly like the concept of Role Models, those people who we look up to, and in a way hope to emulate one day. I never have really believed in becoming like someone else. I find it quite impossible actually, mainly because, as we are told since we are little kids, we are all different as human beings, and we all have our own unique qualities about us, and yet we want to be something that we can never quite be. I know that might sound a little depressing, but no matter what you do, how close you become to being someone, you can never quite actually be them, you can't even be like them, you will just become a new you. I suppose that is the point that I am trying to make. We should all stop trying to be like someone else, and just try and be the best "me" we can possibly be. With that being said I have to admit that I to have fallen into the concept of having a role model, or someone to look up to. I think it is just Human Nature that we have to do it. so 2: Who is my Role Model? Well, I actually have two. The first is John Green, and, yes, it is probably for the same reasons that everyone else have. I find it extremely awesome to have someone who not only likes to read and write, but likes to talk about reading and writing, and talk about books critically. I am a college freshman right now, and I have to say that I am doing quite well in my English class right now thanks to John. :) The second person is actually a professional wrestler, Shawn Hickenbottom, known around the world as Shawn Michaels. Anyone who has seen the DVD biography on him knows that in the 90's he was battling some very serious drug problems, mainly self inflicted, that left him in a very bad way, but in 2001, he changed. He found religion, got married, and became a new person. I find this kind of transformation, and only a man with extreme strength is able to convert like this. It is something to be proud of/look up too. Thats all I got today. Peace!

Thursday, April 2, 2009


So I really can't think of anything to talk about today except.........FAVORITES!

Favorite TV Shows EVER:

1: Avatar: The Last Airbender- Most TV shows drag stuff out, and plot's go on for to long, and they have these little things called "filler" episodes that are just there to keep things moving, but offer no real substance. Avatar has none of those. At about 60 episodes long, over three seasons, Avatar has a story, it sticks to the story in every episode, and it is amazing to boot. CHECK IT OUT!

2: Survivor- AKA why I am doing this post. Survivor is the BEST reality show ever! New episode is on in 10 minutes. Can't wait.

3: House- Basically House is my Hero!

Favorite Movies EVER!:

1: Tombstone: AKA The Most Badass, quotable movie of all time.

2: ID4

3: LOTR (All Three)- Lets face it, all three movies are just one big long movie.

Favorite Books EVER!:

1: The Rainmaker (John Grisham): First book to ever give me real anger, and real tears.

2: Paper Towns( John Green)

3: Harry Potter Book 7

Favorite Foods:

1: Anything Italian

2: Mac and Cheese

3: Ice Cream

Favorite Songs:

1: Anything from a Musical

2: Anything Linkin Park

3: Video Game/ Movie Instrumental Music

Favorite Number:


Favorite Color:


Favorite Soft Drink:

Mountain Dew: Voltage

Favorite Person:

John Green

Favorite Thing to do on a Friday Night:



Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The Start

Well, it is April, and it is time for BEDA!

For those who don't know, BEDA stands for Blog Every Day in April! Which is what I am going to attempt to do, even though I might not have all that much to talk about.

I do have something to talk about this first blog though! So I am a 24 year old freshman in college. I have been in the military the last 4 years, where I did the most useless, mundane crap everyday. I really thought I was wasting my life away. So I got out last June, and I was so happy, cause I thought coming to college would be great. I would learn what I wanted to learn, and all that. Then I get put into a math class when I am majoring in English. Make much sense? Didn't to me either, and still doesn't despite going to talk about it with my advisor about it today. I just don't understand why I am in chemistry and math classes as an english major. IDK, and I am going to stop talking about it now before I rant for the next hour. I will drop some more info about me as this thing goes along, till tomorrow though. PEACE!